August 11, 2020 By lazarus Surgery Consent Form Owner's Name *Owner's Phone *Pet's Name *Pet's Breed *Animal Hospital Name *Animal Hospital Phone *Attending Clinician NameDo You Authorize The Use of Pictures of Your Pet For Social Media Sharing? *YesNoSurgical Procedure**If applicable; MUST include which limb.Surgery Confirmation: *I have been advised as to the nature of the surgery described above. Complications and the risks involved have been discussed. I authorize Marian Benitez, DVM, MS, DACVS-SA to perform this surgery. I also understand that the above clinic/hospital (with assistance of the DVSC team as needed)will be using appropriate anesthetics and medications needed to perform this surgical procedure and will be responsible for monitoring my pet.Send MessagePlease do not fill in this field. Click Here to Download This Form >